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Florida Adoption Reform and Education. Jump in!  


FLARE exists to promote truth and transparency in adoption. We believe that current laws regarding adult adoptee access to records are antiquated and unjust. Therefore, we advocate for legislation that provides access to original birth certificates and adoption records for adult adoptees who were born or adopted in the state of Florida and their descendants. 

for legislators
  • 2023 HB 373 (Casello) has been filed! Contact your state representative and senator to ask for their support today! Constituent voices matter.

  • Rep. Stark sponsored HB 89 (2020)   in his final term in the Florida legislature. Both the House and Senate versions passed overwhelmingly. The bill, which removes the statutory requirement for adoptive parent consent for release of name(s) on original documents to an adult adoptee, was signed by Governor DeSantis June 18, 2020.      

  • View the 3/12/19 subcommittee hearing starting at 25:30. View the 3/21 full committee hearing starting at 4:40.  FLARE lobbyist Bill Barrett's testimony educated members about history of the law and called for restoration of direct OBC access found in statute until 1987. 

be informed

Florida Adoptees Struggle to Get Medical History (News13)


​Read about the realities of Baby Boxes and Safe Haven laws, and share with your legislator.  


Click here for the Orlando Sentinel story about adoptee Amy Ram, a "Cole baby"  who learned that her birth records, like hundreds of other adoptees, were not only sealed but falsified, yet she still found original family members. 

At 18, let adoptees learn who they are.

- South Florida Sun Sentinel Editorial Board, 10/9/17  Read the editorial.


Adoptees deserve control over their own lives - open birth records. - Guest Commentary, Orlando Sentinel, 11/30/17.


When will an adoptee in Florida have access to an original birth certificate?  - WKMG ClickOrlando, 4/17/17



Find out about legislative history,  current Florida  law, and a pivotal 1976 District Court ruling, unanimously in favor of adult adoptees. 


See the list of influential national organizations that support adult adoptee access to OBCs and adoption records. 


Don't know who your representative or senator is? No problem. Click the link below to get started.



Understand the process. Fine tune your "elevator speech." Learn and implement helpful dos and don'ts for community activism.

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